Airspy, Spectrumspy, noise source and UHF cavity filter characteristics; a low cost spectrum analyzer?
Airspy, SpectrumSpy, noise source and UHF cavity filter characteristics; a low cost spectrum analyzer? Introducton A basic spectrum analyzer/tracking generator for less than $250? Yes. Can it be used to do a demanding task like tuning a UHF cavity filter from a repeater? Seems so. The "proof of concept", spectrum analyzer software, SpectrumSpy, can be used with the Airspy SDR and a noise source to show the characteristics of a pass-reject UHF cavity filter. SpectrumSpy and Airspy SpectrumSpy, "proof of concept", spectrum analyzer software is a new addition to the SDR# download for use with the Airspy SDR. It has the potential for a new direction with low cost SDRs, spectrum analyzers. Spectrum analyzers are expensive; $1500 then skyward. SpectrumSpy: (separate executable in SDR# folder). Airspy has a 24 – 1800 MHz native RX range, but down to DC with the SpyVerter option. $199 and US$59 An earlier post is...