
Showing posts from April, 2016

Airspy, Spectrumspy, noise source and UHF cavity filter characteristics; a low cost spectrum analyzer?

Airspy, SpectrumSpy, noise source and UHF cavity filter characteristics; a low cost spectrum analyzer? Introducton A basic spectrum analyzer/tracking generator for less than $250? Yes. Can it be used to do a demanding task like tuning a UHF cavity filter from a repeater? Seems so. The "proof of concept", spectrum analyzer software, SpectrumSpy, can be used with the Airspy SDR and a noise source to show the characteristics of a pass-reject UHF cavity filter. SpectrumSpy and Airspy SpectrumSpy, "proof of concept", spectrum analyzer software is a new addition to the SDR# download for use with the Airspy SDR. It has the potential for a new direction with low cost SDRs, spectrum analyzers.  Spectrum analyzers are expensive; $1500 then skyward. SpectrumSpy: (separate executable in SDR# folder). Airspy has a 24 – 1800 MHz native RX range, but down to DC with the SpyVerter option. $199  and US$59 An earlier post is...

Low cost spectrum analyser/ scanner with AirSpy and RTLSDR

Low cost spectrum analyser/scanner software for the Airspy and RTL-SDR Introduction It is not often I am amazed at new technology, especially for free, but the Spectrum Spy software, a spectrum analyser/scanner for the Airspy SDR, impressed me. It is a poor man's spectrum analyser. However, it is preceded by at least two spectrum scanners for the RTL-SDR hardware; rtl_power and RTLSDR Scanner . This post will compare the two devices and three software packages, scanning the entire FM band and the 100 MHz of the local TV band. The software The three programs all run under Windows, Windows 10 in my case. All three installed and ran without much difficulty. Spectrum Spy is part of the SDR# software package. It is a separate program to SDR#, but in the same folder. Spectrum Spy has a spectrum and a waterfall. It updates every few milliseconds, depending on the span. Spectrum Spy only works with the US$199 Airspy. I have a V1 Airspy. RTLSDR-Scanner is a stand-alone prog...