The Black Art of Duplexers: Demystifying Cavity Filters
Friday 18 May 2018 The Black Art of Duplexers: Demystifying Cavity Filters I prepared a presentation for the Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) annual general meeting practical day on cavity filters and duplexers. Others may find it useful. Links to the files at the end. "A practical guide to the black art of cavity filters for repeaters and digital TV transmitters. Cavity filters are a mystery to most, but at a practical level, not that hard to make or tune. Drew has developed an inexpensive way of building filters using common materials. There are three basic types of filter, pass-band, pass-reject and notch. It is down to the coupling design, which again can be modified or home built. Each has particular applications. All three can be used in repeater duplexers at VHF and UHF. A Notch filter can be used to block unwanted signals like paging TX. Drew will demonstrate a unique use for notch cavities for cleaning the spurious skirts of DVB-T television power amplifiers and the ...