Hacking high power switching server power supplies for amateur radio use.
Draft Introduction ? Server power supplies are high-quality, heavy-duty, 24/7 supplies but cheap, less than AU$50. They have been modified for amateur use, particularly to turn them on and to raise the output from 12.2 V to around 13.8 V. Mobile phone equipment also has such supplies, but at higher voltages, 24, 36, 48, 60 V. These are good for powering transmitters. As a technique for finding information, Google the power supply model number(s), then look at images or videos for possible sites of interest. Searching images is very powerful and gets past sales sites. Apparently, many server supplies have additional airflow to keep then cool under load, so additional cooling may be prudent. A bit of background to the supplies is considered before what I could find for specific models. Some of the links consider RF noise from these switching supplies, something that needs to be considered. Generally, they are high-quality designs with little RF noise, especially compared to laptop ...