PN2060A GHz phase noise measurement using only reference OCXOs

PN2060A GHz phase noise measurement using only reference OCXOs. In this post, I extend my earlier posts on using a PN2060A phase noise analyser to measure GHz signals with downconverters but using the same reference OCXOs for both the PN2060A and the local oscillators. This avoids using an additional pair of oscillators for the LO signal generator and the consequential addition to spurious phase noise in the measurement. The results seem plausible for the RF sources I have on hand at 1 GHz and are consistent with the instruments' specifications. Microchip 53100A phase noise analyser for GHz measurement The Microchip application note AN3899 investigates using dual channel downconverters to measure GHz phase noise. A simple modification is to use the local oscillator reference oscillators as the reference oscillators for the PN2060A phase noise analyser. This allows just one reference oscillator for each channel. I don't kno...